October 13, 2016

building phonegap app for Android and iOS

So I had the pleasure of figuring out how to successfully build and publish a phonegap app, both to the Play store and Apple store. It was bad enough that I have no experience with phonegap/Cordova (or anything iOS development related), but the previous developer had left no documentation. That was fun. Here are some notes of things I ran into along the way. Hope they help someone else out too Read more

October 14, 2014

delving into android apps

This one’s a bit off topic.. But from my last post, about LimitlessLED’s. The android app that they tell you to use from the play store (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lierda.wificontroller&hl=en) is functional, but terribly slow at starting up, and giving you access to your light. More often then not, my wife an I would find ourselves just using the physical light switch instead. So Finally I found a pretty awesome app for controlling LED lights, (https://play. Read more